Tag Archives: High Holy Days

High Holy Days in the Pines, 2020

On the morning of Erev Rosh HaShanah, I came out to Fire Island, where I have been leading services for the last 22 years. Even though our services are on-line this years, I still wanted to be in the place where the congregation is based. Being here in this physical place for the High Holy Days every year is part of my own personal introspection and reflection practice of the holy days. Without an in-person congregation to interact with, to my surprise and delight I found a congregation in the natural beauty of this unique landscape. One part of my personal practice for many years has been to write a High Holy Day poem, and here is this year’s.

 High Holy Days in the Pines, 2020
A congregation of sea-oats rustle and sway,
bowing to the rising moon.
Amen, amen they whisper, a wafting of supplication. 
The wind roars across the sky and 
whitecaps scatter their greetings across the bay.
Like us, the birds have not yet 
departed this island for the winter
and in this twilight they sing, full-throttled and eager
to fill the empty spaces between us
in this strange year of distance,
comforting us with their eternal chant. 
The pine trees show off fresh growth,
their bright, exuberant boughs
stretching out with faded tips.
If only it was this easy for us to demarcate 
our old ways from the new.
The still-open gates stand ready to allow us entry.
This season beckons us to unscroll,
to shed the brittle membranes of last year’s self.
Come, let us slough off the unrealized and unfulfilled, 
the unloved and the unresolved. 
Let us become undone
in order to start anew. 


Filed under High Holy days, Poetry

Rosh HaShanah in the Pines 4 – A New Year’s Poem

Since 1999 I have served as Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Olam.  B’nai Olam is a unique and special congregation in Fire Island Pines, a beautiful summer community on Fire Island, a barrier island off the Coast of Long Island, which meets only  for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.  In 2007 I began writing a new poem every year for Rosh HaShanah – feel free to also read 2008 or 2009.  Here is the fourth, from 2010.  Shanah tovah u’metukah.


Rosh HaShana in the Pines 4

Fire Island 2010/5771


IMG_3272The taste of summer is still

sultry yellow, bright and sparkling.

Seasprayed and sunsoaked,

sated with pleasure,

we move with reluctance

as change quietly beckons.


The water has its own cadence

a rhythm under the surface

pulling in and releasing with an outstretched hand.


The quickening of the moon calls us to return

and we gather, seam-dwellers on the edge of the earth.

As the sun lowers itself into the sea

introspection rises.

A sliver cracks the heart of the firmament,

the vast blackness an invitation

to write ourselves anew.


@ 2010 by Hara E. Person

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Filed under High Holy days, Judaism, Poetry

Rosh HaShanah in the Pines 3 – A New Year’s Poem

Since 1999 I have served as Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Olam.  B’nai Olam is a unique and special congregation in Fire Island Pines, a beautiful summer community on Fire Island, a barrier island off the Coast of Long Island, which meets only  for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.  In 2007 I began writing a new poem every year for Rosh HaShanah.  Here is the third one, from 2009.  Shanah tovah u’metukah.

Rosh HaShanah in the Pines 3

Fire Island Pines, 2009


IMG_3121Under a cerulean sky

we gather together

cloaked in the warmth of mid-September sun.


Renewal comes heralded by the screech of seagulls.

Houses decked out in summer finery

offer dappled turquoise pools for self-reflection.


The still-rowdy sun of early fall

is tempered only by the vigor

with which we approach our appointed task.


Faces bared to the breeze off the sea

we allow ourselves to open,

turning toward the sweetness of beginning again.


We stand on the shore of the new year,

feet awash in the fragile foam of creation,

cleansed and purified by the embryonic ocean brine.


Copyright © 2009 Hara E. Person

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Filed under High Holy days, Judaism, Poetry

Rosh HaShanah in the Pines 2 – A New Year’s Poem

Since 1999 I have served as Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Olam.  B’nai Olam is a unique and special congregation in Fire Island Pines, a beautiful summer community on Fire Island, a barrier island off the Coast of Long Island, which meets only  for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.  In 2007 I began writing a new poem every year for Rosh HaShanah.  Here is the second one, from 2008.  Shanah tovah u’metukah.

Rosh HaShanah in the Pines, Fire Island 2

IMG_3095This late in the season

decks are bare,

houses closed up until next summer.

Torsos are covered,

tattoos and piercings remaining undisplayed

until the cycle repeats itself next year.

Geraniums are gone,

eaten by deer weeks ago,

leaving gray-weathered boards

brightened only by blue tarps

of now-covered pools.


IMG_3159Scrub pines

rooted deeply in sand

offer occasional shelter

from the scouring late-September gusts.

The sea laps a lullaby against the shore.


Holy days arrive amidst autumn’s pumpkin

and apple harvest.

We make our own stark beauty

on this strip of sand

cleansing our souls in this pared down paradise.

Late this year, but never too late.


Copyright © 2009 Hara E. Person


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Filed under High Holy days, Judaism, Poetry